Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bekah's imagination is taking flight.  Today we had a couple of returning visitors...Mr. Fox was spying on us and the Tooth Fairy was tapping on our window.  I'm learning that Bekah has an incredible memory (like her Dad) and characters from books stay with her...and pay us visits! 

Bekah has been sleeping terribly lately.  I was so exhausted yesterday and decided to put into effect a technique (did I just spell that in French?  Or is it the same in English? Huh.) I read in a book that was recommended to me awhile back (thanks, Andrea!) Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. We told her that if she could follow the bedtime rules, she'd get a sticker in the morning and after 3 stickers she'd get a prize.  She slept last night from 6:30pm till 8am!!  Wow!!  We'll see how tonight hopes are up. 


Anonymous said...

If she does maybe you and Curtis could try out this website

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!!! I'm so happy you got some sleep!!! :)
