Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rebekah the party planner

Bekah is love, love, loving her kitchen and pretend ("retend") food.  She's always setting up parties for her friends (her stuffed "aminals"). She's adjusting fairly well to our new house.  She's not sleeping fantastic, but we're getting there.  I was up with her twice last night, which is 2 too many times for a 2 year old in my opinion...Any experienced Moms out there with tried and true advice for this?   


Anonymous said...

She is sooo cute. I can't believe how long and pretty her hair is. She looks so much like you, Jane!!

Love you!


Leesa said...

Moving was hard on the children all the times we've done it... the best thing we did was make sure they had their lovey toys with them. Though I'm sure doggie is not far away. Give her a little more time & try the old tricks of the trade of not picking her up, then not looking her in the eye, then not going into the room & see if she starts to get comfortable sooner=)
So glad ya'll are getting settled! How exciting is this for your family=D

Anonymous said...

I chained mine to the bed...