Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week three in Kansas City

It's been a combination of eventful and uneventful...lots of being home.  A flat tire in the snow (Curtis is the man and got the spare on in the freezing cold).  New friends for Bekah and I (a gal from church and her little girl, who is Bek's age).  A couple workouts with our renewed gym membership.  And lots of firsts.  First week of school for Curtis.  First time shoveling snow for Curtis.  First time Curtis got locked out of the house in the snow.  First time Bekah tried to convince Curtis to something for her because "Mommy ALWAYS does it".  First time I made ribs in the crockpot (soooo delish). And a couple more firsts...
First French braids

First fingerpainting. She pretended it was lotion.  Perfect.

She was proud to show off her painted "butterfly". 

Just a peek into Bekah this morning. 

So much snow!  I've concluded that snow to KC is the same as rain to Portland.  You just deal with it.  Life goes on. :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooh man! I remember shoveling snow. Its so beautiful and I love it, but I always hated shoveling :)

Beks gets more and more beautiful every day!