Thursday, April 7, 2011

difficult and funny

Bekah would not look at me for me to take her picture today.  Or she'd look for a sec and purposefully look away when it was about to take.  She was awfully cute wearing her little apron to cook in her kitchen.... 

And some quotes from the last few days...

Bekah raced ahead of me to go downstairs at church last night.  She was speeding down the stairs and when I caught up to her, she pushed me away and said, "No Mommy!". Then with her hand out in front of her, she said "Don't come wif me, Mom." 

She just picked up her doggie and said, "Sweetie pie, you're cryin?  You're sad?  Oh, poor baby.  Oh, you're happy now?  Hooray!  (putting him in her shopping cart)  Put your legs in here, dog.  Put your tail in.  Mommy, doggie's asleep in the shopping cart, don't wake him up."

This morning, she says "I'm gonna barf!  I'm gonna barf!"  (ps-she's not currently sick.  She's well.) Then, "Watch a Dora while I barf?  May I barf in here (a tupperware)?".

Trying to tell Curtis about a conversation she and I had yesterday:
Bekah:  "And I said, 'Come on Mommy!'  Ummm...(blinking)...what I said? (hangs head  and says in a small, defeated voice) I don't remember." 

Pointing to a page with a picture but no words, she said, "It doesn't have a voice right here." 

"My hair's in my face, just like a creepy bug."

After setting up about a MILLION little paper plates around the house, she said to me, "Come have a tea party wif us!  (pointing to plates) This looks great!!  Have a tea party wif us!" 

This morning she wanted me to come upstairs with her and Curtis, so she hollered, "Jane Lillie, come here!". 

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