Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day "Fun"

Poor Curtis has strep throat. He got a shot as an antibiotic, and it's still lingering....so we may be back at the doctor tomorrow, as we were yesterday.  As you may guess, it wasn't Curtis' most romantic, thoughtful Valentine's day. Poor kid.  He's pretty miserable. 

On the upside, Curtis' Mom and Dave sent us a wonderful treat in the mail.  He decided the pain was worth it and enjoyed some popcorn and candy hearts. :)  Thanks, guys!  Bekah and I have been loving it too. 

Here are some pictures of my attempts to make Valentine's day special...
floating heart candles (on sale at my new favorite store Hobby Lobby for $2)

Coffee cake in a pan with 4 hearts

pink homemade play doh

wait for it...

Sooooo sad that it's salty and she can't eat it.

she moved on.

Ok, not valentine's day, but we went to the zoo for a really cool activity.  You could bring in a favorite stuffed animal and have it "restored to health".  It was a much warmer day and lots of people came out to the zoo.  Doggie was restuffed and received a "certificate of health".  For free with our membership!

trying to spot the kangaroos

splashing around in a puddle.  then declaring that she couldn't walk and me having to carry her...

Making Mr. potato head all crazy. 

She's been loving wrapping her dolls up and taking care of them. 
Today Bekah "went to school" and her "teacher" was Theresa.  She also had a "sleepover" this afternoon with all of her "friends" (stuffed animals and Mommy).  She's been trying to help Daddy feel better by bringing him her stuffed Ernie, hot chocolate from her pretend food, etc.  And I've noticed that she has a natural knack for comforting.  One of her babies or stuffed animals is always "cryin" and needing comfort, which she gives quite maternally.  She says, "Ohhhhhhh.  Don't cry." and snuggles them in her arms-or passes them off to me to snuggle.  It's pretty cute. 

And whenever she is sad about something (i.e. not getting a candy heart after she uses the restroom-did i mention she's potty trained??- because she threw a fit about washing her hands), she always wants to tell Daddy about it.  She loves sharing her woes with him. :)  "Tell Daddy gets home" is a very common saying at our house. 


smartrn80@gmail.com said...

Thanks for all the great pictures and comments. Glad to see you are all keeping busy:)

Anonymous said...

awww Beks is sooo cute. I love her little personality. She is so gorgeous.

I hope curtis feels better!! We miss you guys so much. We need to have a phone date and catch up!
