Monday, October 18, 2010

packing up

We have lived in Livermore, CA for over 6 years and it has truly become home.  And, as life goes, we are now relocating.  To Missouri.  Yup.  In January.  Brrr.

We are currently packing up our house (that we LOVE and HATE to leave).  We'll be moving in with Curtis' Mom and step dad for the first 3 weeks of November while we each finish up our jobs here and say good bye.  Then we're heading up to Oregon for Thanksgiving and most of December.  We're super excited about this mini-vacation and having time to rest and process this move.  Then we'll be back to Livermore for a week or two before we head out to the mid-west.

It looks like we'll be living in a duplex within a mile of the campus where Curtis will be finishing his M-Div.  We're giving one of our cars away so that we can take just one, have just one car to insure.  We're storing a bunch of stuff in our new outdoor shed at Curtis' Mom's house...

Pray for us as we make this transition.  We are leaving behind friends who have become family.


mlearnold said...

I heard from a little birdie this was coming.... but I knew I had to keep mum until now!!!!! So exciting! A huge change for you guys. Looking forward to seeing you over Thanksgiving--as is have of Gresham!
Come play at our house anytime you want. We are very close to your mom's house. Forget meeting up in the Bay Area, now we can do it in Gresham.
Prayers for you all during transition.
Emily Arnold

Anonymous said...

You and curtis truly have become family and we will miss you terribly. But not you are becoming family that we can go visit!! We love you guys so much. SO SO MUCH.

