Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bekah's 2nd birthday and early autumn

 Bekah loves M&M's.  Apparently the only thing she loves more is, and i quote, "rice".  She is so not my daughter at times. 

 We're kinda potty other words, it's a bit hit and miss these days...
 With best buddy Bella Tennyson at church. 
 A much needed gettaway to Angels Camp-such a fun, restful couple of days! 

 So much hair!!
 Today Bek, doggie and I went to a little hay maze and mini pumpkin patch.  I spent like $3.50 on a little pumkin, and then proceeded to run over it with my car as I backed out of the lot.  Lovely.  It was HOT, so afterwards, we played in the fountain downtown...

Do you think she liked it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Bekah!!

Love all the family pictures!