Thursday, May 1, 2008


My sister Becca tagged me, and here are my responses...

4 jobs I've had:
1. hostess, server, and salad stocker extraordinaire at Izzy's pizza
2. hostess and server at The Roadhouse Grill (I miss coming home smelling like steak)
3. instructor of French at Oregon State University
4. French/Spanish high school teacher (I seriously wonder why I don't have more grey hairs!)

4 movies I've watched more than once:
1. The Princess Diaries 2
2. Meet me in Saint Louis (sorry, Dan)
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. Gidget Goes Hawaiian

4 places I've lived:
1. Gresham, OR
2. Corvallis, OR
3. Enumclaw, WA
4. Livermore, CA

4 TV shows I watch:
1. I Love Lucy
2. The Office
3. Jericho (until it was sadly ended)
4. ? (we don't have tv...most of what we watch is dvd or on-line)

4 places I've been:
1. The Czech Republic
2. Ahh, France
3. Turkey
4. Slovenia

4 people who email me regularly
1. my sister in law Erin
2. my Mom
3. friend Annette
4. (I should probably start reading those)

4 of my favorite foods:
1. hot out of the oven chocolate chip cookies
2. my Mom's coffee cake
3. Red Robin French fries with their poppyseed honey mustard dressing
4. pizza, specifically Mountain Mike's with pepperoni and sausage. Amazing.

4 places I'd like to visit:
1. Paris, France (again)
2. Venice, Italy
3. Anywhere tropical on a cruise
4. Washington DC

4 things I'm looking forward to this coming year:
1. Welcoming baby Rebekah to our family and experiencing parenting with Curtis
2. Introducing Rebekah to our family and dear friends
3. Having Curtis home for more than a 2 month stretch (June-January!)
4. Getting to know our newly formed small group at church better and better-we are loving it!

4 friends I'm tagging:
1. Andrea
2. Kate
3. Erin
4. Megan

PS-Jen, you need to get a blog!!

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