Saturday, March 8, 2008

Baby news

As you may have noticed, we are HORRIBLE bloggers. Without consistent internet at home, and no access to this website at work, it makes it difficult. But, as you may have guessed from the title of this latest blog endeavor, we are pregnant! So, perhaps I can try to be more consistent so that all of you can see my growing tummy (and it already is!) and sometime in September can see pictures of our beautiful new baby.

I am 14.5 weeks pregnant. We find out in less than a month if it's a little boy or girl-I can't believe how fast, yet at times how SLOW, this pregnancy has gone!

The first trimester was a bit rough-I can't complain much, because I have friends who throw up all day long AND have other children at home. You deserve awards. But, I was feeling rather yucky all day long, no energy, my poor house and husband didn't get the attention they deserved, etc.

But, the second trimester is wonderful! I feel so much better, so much more like myself, except for those crazy bouts of hormones where I feel like the world is over because my students are acting like teenagers (fancy that!) and I am SO upset. Or when I'm convinced I've probably killed our baby because I didn't eat enough veggies that day. Wow. My doctor told us that pregnant women all hop on the crazy train and that I need to just get off at the first stop. So, every now and then, my wonderful husband encourages me to get off the crazy train. :) It really does help.

More to come!


Kristi said...

Hey Jane! Congratulations! It's so funny, I was just thinking alot about you a couple days ago and wondering if you were crazy is that? Anyway, I'm so excited for you! I hope everything goes well for you..can't wait to hear what you're having!

Bec said...

At least there's an excuse for you to be on the crazy train now. Because, let's face it, you've been on it for awhile without the baby chug-a-chugging along for the ride! :) It's okay...I have a golden ticket for the same train. And I'm pretty sure it's a round trip ticket... Love you!!!!