Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Curtis and I are in Oregon this week, and it has been so refreshing. For those of you who don't know, we lost our baby early last week. When we went in for our first ultrasound, we found out that the baby was really little, and likely not growing anymore. We were pretty surprised. That weekend was pretty rough, trying to wrap our minds around a potential miscarriage. About 9 days later we lost the baby.

It's so awkward to blog about this, because it really is a yucky thing. But, we are doing ok. We have a wonderful support system with family, friends in various states, and our great church. I've discovered that many women I know have experienced this and that has been very comforting (one friend said that it really is like a club). And I've found a great deal of peace knowing that my baby is in the place he/she was made for (I think it might have been a girl:), with the Person she was made for.....and with my brother Gary. One day we'll get to know our baby-his/her little personality (I bet she's crazy like Curtis!)-and get to hold him/her.

Until then, my nephew Jake, in a very insightful moment for an almost 3 year old, told me I could hold him.

How thankful we are for the hope we have in our Lord! In this world we'll have trouble...but He's overcome the world.

We love you guys and are thankful, too, for your support.

PS-pictures coming soon from our trip up north!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Oh Jane, I am so sorry. It brought tears to my eyes. I've not experienced it, but know far too many people that have and it's such a hard thing. You will be in my prayers.

On another note, if you have any time while here in Oregon, I'd love to see you!