Saturday, January 7, 2012

from the mouths of babes

This morning, Beks and I were reading in her Rhyme Bible.  We were reading the story of when Samuel hears "Elijah" calling him, but after a few times realizes that it's God talking to him. 

Bekah asked, "Where is God?" (he's not in the picture for sure!).  I told her we can't see God.  It's kind of like the wind-we can't see it, but we can feel it and see what it does. 

Then she told me she had to show me "somefing" and started flipping to the New Testament.  She found a picture of Jesus, pointed him out, and told me that we CAN see God. 

How fun that at 3 years old, she recognizes that Jesus is God, with skin on.  That we can see God in Jesus.  I love it.  Continuing to pray that God would open up the eyes of her young heart to see him, understand, and rejoice! 

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