Monday, October 31, 2011

our pumpkin patch hopes were dashed

We'd been looking forward to going to the pumpkin patch for weeks, and when we went (October 29th, mind you), it had closed 2 days prior!  I nearly cried and Bekah DID cry.  A pitiful little pout and big tears. Luckily, we were still able to enjoy the farm and even got to bring 2 cute little (1/2 priced) pumpkins home with us.  It was a fun day with Daddy and Pops and Mimi. 

We also had Trunk or Treat at church that night, which was tons of fun.  We parked our cars trunk side out, decorated the trunks, had candy, and the neighborhood kids came.  There were TONS of cars and it was lots of fun. 
 Beks went with her Ariel costume. 
 Here she is with Amanda and Elena, 2 of our youth group girls.  They had fun dancing in the grass.
 Here she is with little Brooklyn, her church friend.  They had fun dancing and spinning and playing together. 
 Happy Birthday, Curtis!  I am so incredibly lucky to have such a husband.  Love you, babe! 
 No sooner had I finished cleaning the house from top to bottom (6+ months pregnant and, MAN, am I sore tonight!), when she took everything apart.  Of course!  At least it's clean underneath. :) 

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