Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bekah's 3 year old questionnaire

1.  How old are you?  Free
2.  What is your favorite color?  Purple
3.  Who is your best friend?  Mommy, Brooklyn
4.  What is your favorite animal?  Elephant
5. What do you want to be when you're all grown up?  A driver.
6.  What is your favorite movie?  Winnie the Pooh
7.  What is your favorite book?  Zoe's seasons
8.  What makes you happy?  when I smile, Mommy
9. What makes you sad?  When I cry, when there was a bug on my wall
10. What is your most favorite food to eat?  pizza and candy (bubble gum)
11. What is your favorite song to sing?  Jesus loves me
12. What games do you like to play?  Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders


Anonymous said...

Haha! This is so cute! Am going to have to do this questions on Raychel!

Greg and Andrea said...

Oh, chutes and ladder--one of my very least favorite kid games. I sold ours in a garage sale, so I guess our younger two will be deprived of the joy of that game.

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! I love that she is "Free" years old!!

<3 Meagan