Friday, October 31, 2008

2 Month Post - a few days late

Okay, so I am trying to get this up as quickly as I can. It's 11:30 and I am wired because I sat at Starbucks doing schoolwork almost all day. That means 4+ cups of coffee mixed in with an ungodly amount of candy tonight, and current state of affairs. The reason I am trying to do this quickly is because I want to let Jane keep sleeping. However, if Jane hears Rebekah she will wake up. Rebekah is right on the edge of waking up. I already went and picked her up and re-binked her. So she should be good for a few more minutes.

But I really wanted to get Rebekah's two month old pictures up. These are near and dear to my heart as she is in her Halloween costume!

Two month picture - same chair, same pose, awesome outfit!
She just needs a neck now...

By far one of my favorite pictures. I can hardly believe it when she responds to my voice, looks into my eyes, and just gives hints that she gets what's going on around her.

I figured I should get in on the action.

Rebekah is clearly loving her favorite team...and her Mommy and Daddy who are making funny faces at her!

Okay, so I just had to throw in this adorable bath picture. Isn't she the cutest?

That's it for now...She's so awesome!


ang said...

I just wish she was cute. Good gracious, what a babe!

Meagan said...

You know..I heard a rumor that the ALL TIME BEST DADS In the world are RAIDERS FANS!!!! That may have been a rumor started by my dad, Bob Baker..but whatever, I'm gunna go with it! ha ha.

Zona Wilson said...

What a beautiful baby! Thanks for posting more pics of her. It almost looks like her eyes are blue - yes? What fun she must be.

Curtis and Jane said...

She is so fun. And yes, her eyes are still blue-like Grandpa Stump!! I hope they stay...

Stacy said...

So awesome! A girl after my own heart! She is such a doll.