Monday, August 13, 2007

my cultured husband

As I write this post, I think of the irony involved. My husband has decided that it's a shame his wife has no culture. Huh. Last time I checked I was a FOREIGN LANGUAGE teacher. In fact, I teach 2 foreign languages (though the one that isn't so foreign, especially in CA, I don't teach past the beginning level, but who's counting?). I have a degree in French, a masters in foreign language ed, I've been to Europe 5 times, yada yada. Yet, according to Curtis, I am sadly uncultured. Hmmm.

Basically, because I'm not a fan of seafood or Asian food, I suck. So, with less than a good attitude (sorry, babe), I accompanied him to a Vietnamese restaurant for Pho (sp?). It's a type of noodle soup. He usually gets it with yummy things like tendons in it (barf). I had the safest looking kind with chicken and no tendons. It wasn't bad-it was no Red Robin bbq chicken wrap, don't get me wrong-but worth it if it meant gaining some "culture" points in my dear husbands eyes.

I suppose French pastries and Belgium chocolates and Italian gelato (my type of culture!) doesn't count. Go figure.


Kristi said...

Ha ha ha! I'm with you! I guess I'm uncultured as well. The most "foreign" I get is Chinese food. And even there I'm picky!

Paul, Karyn, Philip said...

personally, I quite enjoy asian food(probably a good thing), but next time you get vietnamese, you should try a vietnamese coffee(iced). I think they are pretty standard, but they are usually a strong coffee with sweetened condensed milk(and be sure to stir it up!). Yes, it may sound a little strange, but it is quite tasty!love you!

Bec said...

Curtis, Curtis, Curtis....So strange. Don't worry Jane, you've got the good kind of culture!! :)

ang said...

So the more tendons in the soup, the more culture points you get? Seems wrong.

By the way, Jane, you've been tagged. Check my blog!!